Thursday, July 7, 2011

Can I Predict The Gender? Girl or Boy

Are you aware that there are ways in which you can predict the gender of your baby and ensure you can have a boy or girl? There are many ways in which you can increase the likelihood of predicting the gender of your baby with up to a 94% chance of success.

There are many wives tales out there which say, and many times are correct, that they can help you predict the gender of your baby before the baby is born. That is great and all if you are curious but what if you wanted to ensure that you would have either a boy or a girl. If this is the case the older wives tales are of no value. There is however, a great way for you to choose the gender of your child before conception. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves quite yet!

One wives tale that attempts to predict the gender of your baby is the Chinese calendar. Your age and the month you are trying to conceive together supposedly predict whether you will have a boy or girl. How many months do you know of only produce boys or girls? I don't believe this concept either.

Some of the more biologically supported methods include the relative acidity and alkalinity of the uterus and which foods promote each of these types of environments. Certain sexual positions promote sperm of a certain gender to be delivered to the eggs location. Also having sex at certain times of the ovulation cycle also help ensure that you can predict the gender of your baby.

While these are some of the tips and ways to predict the gender of your baby knowing all of the information available is very helpful in ensuring you have a 94% chance of predicting the gender. This information is available in a proven method, with over 8500 happy couples from around the word, from Alicia Pennington, a former midwife for over 20 years. If you would like to learn more about how she can provide this type of certainty for you please visit her website at

How Do I Have A Girl?

Wondering how do you have a girl? Well, you are in luck, asthere are many natural ways in which you can help ensure that you will have a girl of your dreams. Some couples want to ensure they have a girl after having multiple boys and others wish to have a girl first. While there are many tips to help your chances it is important to try them all to ensure the greatest odds when altering biology.

Having a girl happens when a sperm containing the X chromosome fertilizes the egg. The sperm with X chromosomes tend to be the most hearty sperm out there and have the longest life. These tend to live longer than the Y sperm which die after 24 hours in the female reproductive tract. Thus if you are trying to have a girl it is important to have sex 2-3 days before you ovulate to ensure that most of the remaining sperm alive are of the X chromosome type.

When a female ovulates the egg is released from the ovary and travels down the fallopian tube searching for any nearby sperm. This time of the month usually corresponds to a specific time surrounding the noticeable hormonal changes in the monthly cycle and can accurately be predicted by methods like basal body temperature readings and cervical mucus screening tests.
Sexual positions that do not have “deep penetration” also promote having a girl. Be careful however, as these types of positions may actually be counterintuitive.

The most “female friendly” environment is one that is more acidic within the female reproductive tract. This type of environment is easily promoted by eating foods that contain Magnesium and Calcium. Such foods include grapefruit, apples, dairy and fish. Eating these foods at least a few days before ovulation will be the most effective.

Alicia Pennington, a former midwife for 20 plus years, has developed an encompassing method where she can guarantee with 94% certaintythat you will be able to have a girl. Trying all of her natural methods has helped over 8500 couples around the world have the child of their dreams. If you would like more information about how Alicia can help you have the baby girl of your dreams please visit her website

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

How To Have A Boy?

Wondering how to have a boy? Well, you are in luck as there are ways to almost ensure, with a 94% certainty, that you will be able to become pregnant with that boy of your dreams. Some people wish to have a boy after they have had a few girls. While others wish to have a boy as the oldest of their children. While there are many tips to help your chances it is important to try them all to ensure the greatest odds when altering biology.

To have a boy, a sperm containing the Y chromosome must fertilize the egg within the mother. These sperm do not survive as long as the female X chromosome. Most of the male sperm die after 24 hours inside the woman’s reproductive tract. When trying to have a male it is important to have sex within 24 hours before the woman ovulates.

When a woman is about to ovulate can be predicted with resources such as basal body temperature charts or monthly cycle calendars. This is the time of month which the woman’s ovary releases an egg in preparation for fertilization.

Trying to predict the gender of your baby can be a complicated endeavor with the most simple tricks like the woman orgasming first helps add to the certainty. For some reason after the orgasm the woman’s reproductive tract become more alkaline (basic) and this type of environment promotes the survival and migration of the Y sperm.

Certain sexual positions also contribute to the overall outcome of a male gender selection. The positions that have the deepest penetration favor conceiving a male. Be careful however, the term deepest penetration, actually can be misleading.

Eating certain types of foods also promote a “male healthy” environment by creating a more alkaline environment and helping the male sperm to survive and fertilize. Some of the more common foods that contain Potassium and Sodium are sweet corn, bananas, red meat and sausage. For maximal effectiveness these foods should be eaten a couple of days before the woman ovulates.   

Alicia Pennington, a former midwife of 20 years, has created a system of natural baby gender selection methods that can ensure the accuracy of gender prediction. With all the information available you will have a 94% percent chance of getting the gender of your dreams.  This method of conception has proven successful with over 8500 couples throughout the world. If you would like some more information about how this method will help you have a boy please visit Alicia’s website at